OneSeed Innovation Labs are 2-week, international summer learning experiences for high school students entering their junior or senior year. OneSeed Labs are designed to immerse students in the unfamiliar and to encourage them to think critically about the world around them.

Students will learn the basics of Design Thinking and develop skill sets (and mindsets) to solve difficult problems using entrepreneurial methodology.

This hands-on approach provides a unique opportunity to learn about and explore a new country, and to step outside of one’s comfort zone whether that's interviewing a local business owner or trekking through the Himalayan mountains.

How We Do It

Innovation Labs are broken up into three modules: Explore. Discover. Launch. 

To understand a problem from a new perspective, students must immerse themselves in another culture to gain greater understanding of challenges facing entrepreneurs and the communities in which they operate. In this Exploratory phase, students must first get REAL - through Reflective Empathetic Active Listening.

Once students gain understanding by getting REAL, then they can formulate how best to address an entrepreneurial challenge and develop a prototype solution by doing their BESTBrainstorming, Envisioning, Sharing, and Testing their proposals. The Discovery process involves creative thinking and a collaborative approach to solving problems. With the guidance and mentorship from local entrepreneurs, every student will Launch their own project on Pitch Day towards the end of the two-week program.

OneSeed Innovation Labs (OSIL) evolved out of the work of OneSeed Expeditions, a social enterprise dedicated to changing the way travel impacts local communities.

Since 2010, OneSeed Expeditions has invested in more than 600 entrepreneurs around the world - empowering fellow risk-takers to launch or expand their business. We believe that some of the most enduring and meaningful impact we can create is through business development.

With 350 trips, over 2,000 travelers, and hundreds of return customers, we’re excited to expand our mission by empowering high school students to explore a new way of thinking and approaching the world.